Coronavirus, Updates

Returning to Normality

The following is a letter from the BTS President to clubs issued on 12 March 2022:

During January 2022, we were living in very uncertain and deeply concerning times due to the State’s borders having recently been opened to interstate visitors and the possible detrimental effects that this would have on public health.  Of primary concern was the possible outbreak of another significant wave of COVID-19 infections.

While it is still necessary for clubs to take every precaution to provide for the health and welfare of their members and opposition players it is also important that we all recognise that life in general is returning to a more normalised existence.  Government restrictions and special requirements such as the wearing of face masks are being progressively withdrawn and it is time that we move in similar vein.

While the risk of COVID-19 infection has not passed certain specific and temporary conditions that were put in place by the Board in mid-January, specifically that of using Condition of Play rule 3.16 (Interruption by Natural or Civil Disaster) requires review.  This rule permitted clubs to request that a match be declared “Unplayed” and points shared due to COVID-19 impacts on available players.

It is the decision of the Board that the temporary condition to permit clubs to claim a match to be “Unplayed” be discontinued as from 20 March 2022, and that conditions relating to the temporary shortage of players revert to Condition of Play rule 3.22(a) (Eligibility for Pennant) and Condition of Play rule 1.12.3(f) (Forfeits).

Peter Kirby
Bowls Tasmania South