Conditions of Play

Playing One Short

Printable version:ย Opposite Gender Players and a rink playing one short (PDF)

Opposite gender players and a rink playing one short

Due to this query arising regularly, BTS Match and Officiating Committees believe it prudent to remind Side Captains and Players how to handle the circumstance of a rink playing one short when it also includes an opposite gender player.

The Conditions of Play allows only 1 opposite gender player per rink (team) in a Clubโ€™s lowest grade in the single gender competitions on Wednesdays and Thursdays. BTS Match Committee and/or the BTS Board will not grant an exemption to play more than 1 opposite gender player in any rink as there is sufficient scope within the Conditions of Play for Clubs to borrow same gender players from other clubs as substitutes.

Should a Club find itself in the position of needing to play one short in a rink with an opposite gender player, then the opposite gender player fills the Lead position, the Second position is unfilled with the usual gendered players playing Third and Skip.

The rules for playing one short are covered in the Law Book under Domestic Regulation 2.6 on pages 117/118. The Second position in simply missing in the incomplete team and all players play in their usual order which means the complete teamโ€™s Second will always play 2 consecutive bowls.

There is a tendency as an end progresses for Thirds and/or Skips to get confused as to whose turn it is.

REMEMBER: The team that won the prior end always has their Lead, Third and Skip play before their opponents regardless of whether they are complete or incomplete.

Hence the complete team third bowls immediately following their second when they won the previous end, but when lost, the Secondโ€™s first bowl immediately follows their leadโ€™s second bowl.

Playing one short