Coronavirus, Pennant, Updates

COVID-19 – BTS Pennant Competitions

The following is a letter from the BTS President to clubs issued on 25 January 2022:

The BTS Board has resolved that in these very difficult and uncertain times due to the significant effects of COVID-19 in our community the following exceptional conditions will apply to ensure that all BTS Pennant and other competitions can continue. Requests for changes to, or exemptions from, Conditions of Play will not be considered.

Over the coming weeks clubs will experience the twin effects of the β€œno vax, no play” instruction from BTAS/BTS and the unavailability of players for selection in pennant sides due to any number of personal reasons emanating from COVID -19 impacts. As previously advised, clubs should select their pennant sides from the list of players known to be available, commencing with their side in the highest division and continue to select the other sides in order until no further players remain on the list. If there are any sides that are incomplete then the club should advise the BTS Match Committee Chair, and their opponent/s of this fact. In this case, and in accordance with BTS Condition of Play 3.16 (Interruption by Natural or Civil Disaster), the match/es will be declared β€œUnplayed” in the results portal and the points shared.

Clubs are requested to take all possible care in considering the health and welfare of their members and opposition players. BTS will continue to monitor the situation and advise clubs of any changes as soon as possible.

Peter Kirby
Bowls Tasmania South

25 January 2022