
Club Secretary’s Diary

The following information is to be emailed to Bowls Tasmania South ( by the dates shown.

By 1 May (For inclusion in the annual report)

  • A list of club members who passed away during the preceding 12 months.
  • Winners of club open and B grade men’s singles championships.
  • Winners of club open and B grade women’s singles championships.
  • Details of major additions or alterations to club premises or greens during the year.

By 31 August (For inclusion in the Bowls Tasmania Handbook)

  • Proposed tournaments to be held by the club in the coming season.
  • List of social events to be conducted by the club during the coming season.
  • List of social events to be conducted during the winter off-season.

By 1 September

  • Proposed Saturday pennant sides (except lowest sides).
  • Proposed Women’s Thursday pennant sides (except lowest sides).
  • Proposed Midweek pennant sides (except lowest sides).

By 1 October

  • Proposed lowest sides in Saturday pennant.
  • Proposed lowest sides in Women’s Thursday pennant.
  • Proposed lowest sides in Midweek pennant.
  • Payment of club affiliation fee for all members of the club.