Bowls Tasmania
Bowlers Arm, Officiating, State, Updates

Bowling Arms are approved and supported

The following is a copy of an email from Bowls Tasmania to all clubs on 20 Feb 2025.

Dear Region and Club Secretaries

Bowls Tasmania aims to provide access to our sport to as many people as possible and wants to ensure an inclusive atmosphere to anyone who wishes to play lawn bowls.

Bowling arms have been successfully introduced into the game to allow people with a physical restriction or impairment that would otherwise prevent them from playing the game the opportunity to play, or continue to play, bowls.ย ย You never know, you may need to use yourself one day.

Bowls Australia has approved the use of bowling arms and has a policy regarding the use and type allowed to be used.ย  Bowls Tasmania follows that policy and allows the use of bowling arms in any game – be it pennant or any other format of the game.ย  Anyone can purchase and use a bowling arm – there is no longer a need to get a doctorโ€™s certificate to use one.

Bowls Tasmania is concerned at reports it is receiving about abusive and derogatory comments being aimed at bowling arm users.ย The attitude of some players towards others who use bowling arms has been a problem for some time.ย ย 

Bowling arm users are being abused, and derogatory statements are being made about the person and their use of an arm.ย  It is not for other players to decide whether they should be allowed.ย  The use of the words โ€œcheat stickโ€ is not acceptable in our game and should be dismissed from the vocabulary used by some players.

Should a person be subjected to this kind of behaviour they have the right to call the umpire and have it stopped.

Bowling arms are keeping people in our great sport and users should be given a fair go.  

Could all regions and clubs please make sure that this is understood and adhered to by all players.

See Bowls Australiaโ€™s Artificial Devices Policy (PDF) which provides guidelines regarding their use.ย 

Kind regards

Rob McGuireย 
Chief Executive Officer
Bowls Tasmaniaย ย