Bowls Tasmania Update – Stage 3 Restrictions Lifted Early
Bowls Tasmania has advised Regions and Clubs that there have been some significant announcements today (24 June 2020) around moving to Stage 3 Restrictions as of noon this Friday 26 June 2020. We are sure you are as happy as we are with this announcement as we head back to stronger numbers A brief outline of these restrictions can be viewed on the State Government Roadmap to Recovery section of their website;
To keep you all updated; Bowls Tasmania has drafted the Stage 3 Return to Play guidelines for lawn bowls in Tasmania in line with the Premier’s announcement today and it is in the process of going through the channels prior to being made public. Once the full list of guidelines for Sport & Recreation activities have been released on their website and we can be absolutely sure that the document complies then we will be in a position to release this. Bowls Tasmania has been informed that the full update will be available on the Coronavirus State Government Website (under the Sport & Recreation section) by Friday.
As soon as Bowls Tasmania has the green light, it will release this document to all Clubs so you can keep moving forward.
Thank you all for your patience in this matter and Bowls Tasmania can assure you they are working as hard as they can behind the scenes on your behalf.